Thursday, March 11, 2010

Sometimes I just hate everything...

I should learn to stay away from political news. Lately, it just irritates the fuck out of me. I'm sick to death of hearing about media whore Sarah Palin, shit talking Rush Limbaugh, douchebag Glenn Beck, and asshat Bill O'Reilly. These fools just spew venom, hate, and so many lies; yet are allowed to continue unabated, without the slightest bit of control. FOX News is an agent of the Devil, I'm sure of it!

I really wish politicians would focus on the important issues facing this country...both Democrats and Republicans need to drop this bi-partisan charade of finger-pointing and blaming everyone except themselves. Warmonger Bush was allowed to go for eight fucking years without one peep of opposition...or if there was any opposition, the media didn't pay attention to them. Now, we have Teabaggers consisting of nothing but fat, lazy, clueless idiots who will blindly follow some dickhead like sheep. Why can't people think for themselves???

I'm sick to death of the political pandering by the Religious Right working so tirelessly to erode the Rights of their fellow Americans simply because these people do not fit the social standard of "normal". I'm talking about GLBT Americans. People like to spout how great this country is, how free we are, and how we are a beacon of light in an otherwise dark forest of evil. FUCK THAT. America is not so great when gays and lesbians are treated like second class citizens, where laws are created to prevent gays and lesbians from legally declaring their love for one another, where the rights of gays and lesbians are continuously trampled in the name of God. Groups like Focus on the Family and the Family Research Council are evil and must be stopped. Their reason for attacking (and yes, they are ATTACKING gays and lesbians) is homosexuals are "unnatural", "immoral", and they ride on the same tired old slogan "If they can't reproduce, then they must recruit". Yeah, right...cuz everyone knows we get a free toaster oven for every "recruit" we bring into Gayness. Why are these people so obsessed with homosexuals??? Science tells us that the most homophobic people are indeed homosexuals themselves. Something tells me that if James Dobson (founder of Focus on the Family) got pounded up the ass then maybe that perpetual STICK shoved up there might be dislodged.

These so-called "Christian" groups need to focus on the TRUE meaning of, compassion, and empathy for thy fellow neighbor. As such, these groups are NOT Christian in any way, shape of form...they are tax havens, money shelters, and HATE GROUPS. Any group that works tirelessly to bring about the downfall of another group is full of nothing but hate, scorn, and they should be ashamed. But, unfortunately, the blind sheeple voters are so misguided and fall for scare tactics established by these "Christian" groups. It sickens me. It's disgusting, and it makes me sorry to be an American. When thinly veiled bigoted laws such as "Amendment 2" and "Proposition 8" pass is so called "progressive" states such as Florida and California, then it really shows just how far we still have to go as a nation. When special interest politicians focus more on passing laws to ensure only "family friendly" films are made in Florida instead of solving the real problems, then we're doomed to implode from within.

So, no...America is NOT the greatest country in the world. We the US can get over it's Puritanical roots and realize that ALL are indeed created equal, then we will be great. Right now, we are viewed as uptight, ultra-conservative, hypocritical bigots run by the Bible thumpers...the truth hurts.


Instant Keto Burn said...

Proponents claim that this causes the body to burn accumulated stored fats, releasing fat-stored "toxins" into the blood, which can then be eliminated through the blood, skin, urine, feces and breath. Proponents claim that things such as an altered body-odor support the notion that detox diets have an effect. The mainstream medical view is that the body has mechanisms to rid itself of toxins, and a healthy diet is best for the body.

PT Trim Fat Burn said...

“Most people get enough sweet and salt in their diets but not near enough bitter and sour,” says Axe. Sharper tasting detox foods like arugula, kale, watercress, mustard, and dandelion greens, are bitter leafy greens that pack a nutritional bang along with their detoxifying effects