Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Far Right - NOT For the People...

Senator Jim Bunning (R-KY) is everything that is wrong with the Republican Party; rich, old, White, and male. Thus, it's no surprise Bunning keeps using the Filibuster to stop unemployment benefits for Americans...some even in his OWN home state. Bunning's rationale for hurting Americans: “We cannot keep adding to the debt,” Mr. Bunning said Monday. “It’s over $14 trillion and going up fast.”

Really, Mr. Bunning? Where was your "fiscal conservatism" during the 8 years the Warmonger GW Bush dragged us into TWO costly wars, borrowed billions from China, and extended tax cuts to the top 1% of millionaires? Where were your concerns when it became evident that there were NO weapons of mass destruction, yet Bush demanded MORE money to fight his oil war? Finally, where were you when Bush handed out expensive defense contracts to his cronies at Halliburton without even a bid???

Dickheads like Bunning do not care about the American people. They are AGAINST making the USA a better place to live. He'd rather we go into further debt by staying in unwinnable wars. I thought Conservatives were "Pro-Life", but I was wrong...Conservatives such as Bunning are NOT Pro-Life. If they were, they'd be demanding we end this stupid "War on Terror" where 6,000 Americans have lost their life fighting a war for OIL. They'd be demanding that we STOP borrowing from China. Finally, they would demand helping the American PEOPLE better their way of life, instead of running them thru the hot coals simply because they can't find a job...A job that was OUTSOURCED by the Conservative Presidency to India.

I'm mad as hell. However, people like Bunning don't fucking care. After all, HE still has a job, HE is still getting paid, and HE is still a douchebag Asshat who has lost touch with his constituents. Then again, this is his last term as a Senator...guess he better fuck up the lives of more people before he leaves.

Why must the majority of Americans be held hostage by the outdated principals of the least populated states in this country? Why do we have to care about what some idiot from Kentucky or Utah says? Why are we even listening to these backwoods hicks??? Florida is not the best state in the Union...hell, we're even being held hostage by the likes of "Focus on the Family" feeling they need to stick their nose in the personal lives of consenting adults; pushing their sad, archaic agenda on the voting ballot...but at least in Florida, we have a healthy opposition giving these clowns a run for their money. I'm not sure that I can say the same about Kentucky and Utah...sigh...

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