Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Celebgritty Gossip - Ohh Lawd! Justin & Britney - Together Again?

My Girl, WC, will simply LOATHE this news...rumors abound that JT recently approached BiBi to record a single with her to help put the spark back into her falling career...okay...first, is JT DESPERATE or is he simply just the sweetest guy out there? I mean, this is the same guy who made 'Cry Me a river' and 'What goes around comes around' and now he's ready to forgive? I guess he decided BiBi has been through enuf already...

In OTHER BiBi related news...headlines confirm that while BiBi was recently attending church to cleanse her sinning soul, after the services, paparrazzi were predictably hounding for photos. Well, Ms. BiBi certainly didn't hear the sermon about loving thy neighbors, cuz Ms. Stank had her armed bodyguard pull a gun on the guy, then yanked the PhotoHog out of his car and proceeded to cuff him. This is a Bodyguard or is it RoboCop? Damn...BiBi got some serious issues...she was later photographed giggling about the incident...beware Paparrazzi of Britney Spears! She'll have you killed!

D's 'Do of the Week - The PonyHawk

I broke my self-proclaimed oath to not watch American mIdol this season whatsoever! Alas, last night, being in an unusually sociable mood, I watched the wretched show with the roomies. Boy, am I glad I did! I got to witness the introduction of the PonyHawk! Created by that little queer boy, Sanjaya, the PonyHawk will soon be the latest rage! Everyone will want a PonyHawk! I can just see the commercials now...New! From TV Creations, comes the PonyHawk Maker! I simply HAD to vote for Sanjaya after that! G'on Gurl! Work that PonyHawk!

Monday, March 26, 2007

Celebgritty Gossip - Joey Fat One

I'm sure all of you are just gushing over Fat One's performance on that Dancing show for washed-up celebrities, but I bet you all NEVER knew this secret the former InSyncker probably doesn't want you to know. Mr. Fat One enjoys having his fat one pleasured while wrapped in a Fruit Roll Up! It's true! Choice of flavor is not known, but I'm assuming it's either Grape or Strawberry and of course, should always be determined by the person "eating" the fruit roll up. I will never reveal my source, but it is a very well trusted former plaything of the fat one that has had the apparently lucky privilege of finding out how many licks it's takes to get to the center of...well, you get the picture. Now, whether or not his member really IS a Fat One has yet to be seen by yours truly, but I've heard it's not very impressive. However, the man IS what does THAT tell you?!

Monday, March 12, 2007

Celebgritty Sighting - Matthew McConaughey - STANK!

While the latest entertaintment headlines report McConaHOTTIE in California filming his new movie, "Surfer Dude", other sources report Matthew hobnobbing elsewhere. No, not South Beach, but a little farther north in Orlando. My good friend, DR, reported that Mr. Alright Alright Alright was spotted today at Universal Orlando apparently enjoying a little R&R...during the beginning of Spring Break week, no doubt.
Long lines and swealtering CenFla humidity apparently do not bode well with former Mr. Cruz. It is reported that several tourists were complaining about Matthew's abhorent Body Odor! Long an internet rumor, apparently it IS true that he does NOT wear deoderant. However, judging what the Europeans are saying (and that is saying A LOT), I'd advise he invest some of his millions in something to control his putrid smell. C'mon, Matthew! You're RICH! You don't have to buy the expensive stuff from Armani or Chanel; BAN works just as well, homey! So please, take my advice; tomorrow, before you leave your hotel room and head to Disney, Sea World, or even ViMi, stop at the nearest convenience, grocery, or big box retailer and buy a stick of deoderant. Your fans will appreciate you for it!