Wednesday, March 28, 2007

D's 'Do of the Week - The PonyHawk

I broke my self-proclaimed oath to not watch American mIdol this season whatsoever! Alas, last night, being in an unusually sociable mood, I watched the wretched show with the roomies. Boy, am I glad I did! I got to witness the introduction of the PonyHawk! Created by that little queer boy, Sanjaya, the PonyHawk will soon be the latest rage! Everyone will want a PonyHawk! I can just see the commercials now...New! From TV Creations, comes the PonyHawk Maker! I simply HAD to vote for Sanjaya after that! G'on Gurl! Work that PonyHawk!

1 comment:

Mpress said...

5 Dolla gonna get herself a pony hawk too!