Gee, thanks a lot all you Sheep voters of Florida who voted YES on Amendment 2. Not only have you set our State back into the Dark Ages, you've also fallen for the old "Gay Bait & Switch" tactic that the Religious Zealots who got this Amendment on the ballot in the first place wanted you to do. You've become a Pawn in their game of "Harrass the Queer". Why should you care what 2 grown, consenting adults do in their bedroom. What gives you the right to deny happiness for millions of your fellow Americans. Where the HELL does it say in the Constitution, 10 Commandments, Torah, or some other toilet paper rag of a "religous" publication that "Thou shalt NOT be Gay"???
You people sicken me. You're rampant homophobia is enough to make me puke! What? Gays can sing and dance for you, they can do your fucking hair, they can give you better style, they can even hang out with your stupid whore daughter, but they CAN'T marry each other? Do you straights think you have this whole "marriage" thing figured out? Gee, with the divorce rate rising over 60% in this country, I'd safely assume that you don't. Yet, here you are, claiming that We Gays know nothing about the "sanctity" of marriage and we don't deserve to know. FUCK YOU!
All you sheep in Florida have done is nothing but make our State the butt of even more jokes. I would like to make a plea to all Gay Floridians...FUCK THE STRAIGHTS. They want a ticket to get into Disney? Make them goto one of the Straight attendants (assuming that there even ARE any at Disney). They want us to buy their shit? Not with MY gay money...it's tainted, REMEMBER?
I'm taking my stylist bag, fashion tips, and dance moves up to Canada...where Gays are welcome and can even get...GASP...Married! Hell, even pot is legal up in Canada.
America the Hateful...Where Religious Zealots run the country.
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