I'm going to take a trip down Geek Freeway today and delve into the video-game phenomenon known as The Legend of Zelda series developed and released by Nintendo. Mind you, I normally wouldn't be classified in the group that call themselves "Gamers", as the only gaming systems I own are a Nintendo Gamecube and a Nintendo DS. I've never owned any system from any other manufacturer besides Nintendo...so there you have it. Anyways, The Legend of Zelda has always captured my attention ever since I played the original NES game at the tender age of 12 and I had the joy of journeying Hyrule, killing Stalfos and Octoroc's, and collecting the ever valuable Rupees. As the years progressed, I played the sequals (or prequals however you look at it) and was even more imerssed into saving that damn Princess' life. Now here I am at 33, and I'm still playing Zelda.
Don't get me wrong; I have played other video games besides Zelda, but this post isn't about them, now is it? I don't know what it is about Zelda that seems to grab and hold my (as well as millions of others) attention. Could it be that the game's designers never fail to mix old with new? Some fans of the game have devoted entire websites and forums to Zelda and some fans have even gone so far as to DEBATE the sequencial timeline of the games. Me? I'm not going to debate and I'm not going to make anything up or theorize the history of Hyrule. I simply play the games for enjoyment. However, if I WERE to give a report on the timeline and sequence of the games, it would be thus (note: I know about the "split-timeline" theory, but don't really care about it enough to mention it any further. Also, I'm not going to mention the Gameboy games, nor any of the Zelda games that do not follow an EPIC storyline. So for all you Minish Cap and Four Swords fans, this is not for you!):
1. Ocarina of Time
2. Majora's Mask
3. The Windwaker
4. The Legend of Zelda (original)
5. The Adventure of Link
6. A Link to the Past
7. Twilight Princess
Personally, the more and more I play Twilight Princess, the more I think that all of the Zelda games are basically the same story being retold...with sequals thrown in here and there. Either way you look at it, however, I don't think I will ever grow tired of the games. Also, given the desire to produce movies based upon video games, Zelda is one movie I would greatly desire to see. I hear rumors that a movie is being produced, but it's going to be some fan made shit. It would be like watching a high school play, I'm sure. Where's Peter Jackson when you need him???
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