Yesterday, M and I were on the way home from a tiring day at work and we wanted nothing more than to just chill with a big steak. While trying to get onto the Turnpike from I-4, M got behind these confused people in the toll lane looking for change. They were holding up everyone trying to get home, so M beeped her horn at the people. They were obviously tourists, because in Orlando, locals KNOW when a toll is coming...there's just so many damn toll roads in this city...anyway, I'm getting off track.
The Tourists were taking too much time searching for change, so M decided to get out of her car (it was M's day to drive cuz ya'll know my Epass having self would've already been on the Turnpike) a pay the toll for the tourists so we could all get moving along.
All of the sudden, the Tourist husband sees M coming his way, so he begins to roll up his window! Now, M is not a big woman...she ain't even a HUGE BITCH...she be this little Korean girl ya'll and it just so happened that the Tourists were of an Asian persuasion also (hey that rhymes)! It were funny ya'll...they probably thought she were gonna shoot they ass or something, cuz I guess Orlando's reputation as crime spot #1 in Florida is getting around. So watch out for those Orlando Koreans ya'll...they packing quarters!!!