The Durty Rat is a selfish, careless, Incubus, man-child who preys after unsuspecting Single women. The Durty Rat takes advantage of the female by draining her bank account, racking up her credit-card debt, and pretty much bullshitting up to all her friends in an attempt to look like a "real man". After the poor female's resources are drained, the Durty Rat will eventually leave said female high and dry while he pursues other opportunities. However, the Durty Rat will blame the Female for all his insecurities and relative lack of knowing how to be a MAN! In addition, the Durty Rat will move to another female (or his ex-wife) in an effort to look like the victim. The Durty Rat will not have his own car, house, and he will constantly make up a number of aliases in which to hide from the people whom he has wronged. The Durty Rat will then pretend to have found Religion and a New "purpose" in his life while promoting his new found freedom shouting: "Free At Last"!
Don't be a Durty Rat!