I recently arrived back to Hellando from a nice, relaxing vacation in Miami Beach...ahh...the bliss of crystal clear ocean water, sipping sangria while watching the oh so fine South American hottie sunning himself in front of you...Que Bonito, no?

I think it's kinda funny that I live in Vacationland and had to take a vacation away from it all. But, trust me, if you've lived in Orlando practically your whole life, then all the cutesy, family friendly crap gets old pretty quickly. ESPECIALLY if you've worked at one of the theme parks that adorn this town. I have to admit, however, that Orlando is growing up a little. While the skyline may not match the Mahattanization of Miami's, downtown Orlando IS morphing into a dense cluster of residential and commercial skyscrapers that seem to be sprouting up overnight. Photos of Orlando's skyline are like a PC; obsolete the minute you get them. But, while all that is great...Miami is still bigger, more sophisticated, and a little bit more "grown-up". 
Anyways, back to reality...vacation's over and now here I sit in a cubicle of a suburban Orlando office park. Is it break time yet? Oh, and how much vacation time do I have left?

Anyways, back to reality...vacation's over and now here I sit in a cubicle of a suburban Orlando office park. Is it break time yet? Oh, and how much vacation time do I have left?