Monday, April 30, 2007

Celebgritty Gossip - JT to Fans, "No Groping"...oh and BiBi does something again

Recent reports cite Justin Timberlake's press posse issuing a statement to performance venues that JT is scheduled to appear in: Fans in the front row may touch, but not grab Justin Timberlake. Yes, it's true. Don't believe me? See the link: Now, if my girl, WC, were to goto a JT concert, not only would she rassle her way from the nosebleed section up to the front row a la "Mosh Pit", she would grope, grab, and simply MOLLEST JT before he could even get out "I'm Bringing Sexy..." WHOP! Yep, that WC all right...

In more JT news, the Hot One recently confessed that he was a Teenage Weirdo. Okay...WHO WASN'T??? However, I always knew JT was a strange bird. Case in point, back in the mid 90's, yours truly worked at Universal Studios and would throw massive parties (at someone else's house) where lots of underage drinking could happen. During one such shindig, JT shows up with Joey FatOne. Shortly afterwards, my girls, 5 Dolla, and Amazon Pixie Fairy (APF for short) with the Chronic and thats when the party kicked in. Now, APF was a very strange bird...she was the Molly Ringwald from "Pretty In Pink" meets the Allie Sheedy from "The Breakfast Club", but APF didn't scratch her dandruff out onto her desk...nah, she weren't that wierd. Moving on...during the party, JT migrated to APF and the two chatted the night away at the table over a whole bag of chips...yep, weirdos attract.

Finally, in other Celebgritty Gossip: BiBi was spotted driving around Los Angeles in her convertible with the top down and blaring JT's CD "FutureSexLoveSounds"; more namely his hit track, "My Love". Mmm Hmm...BiBi definitely harboring some delusions of word on if BiBi's breast breast also was enjoying the top down...

Next week, SkinnyDipping Dogs and South Florida Eskimoes.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Celebgritty Gossip - JT's Derriere of Mystery

Current Pop sources report that JT begged the director of his new movie, Black Snake Moan, to remove shots of his bare ass from the film (see: First off, what is JT so ashamed of? After all, Brad Pitt, George Clooney, and even Leonardo DiCaprio have dropped trou and bared some ass in at least ONE of their flicks...why not JT? Damn, he ain't THAT hot to be so arrogant. My guess is, JT has a really hairy ass or a huge BOIL on his butt and didn't want anyone to see it.'s a shame to be so young, yet so prudish.

In other JT Celebgritty Gossip, dumb DJ Jock Itch from the XL 106.7 morning show in Orlando stated that JT & Trian Wreck Cameron were back no, a thousand times NO! Say it ain't so...well, apparently it really AIN'T so. I can find NO confirmation that this rumor is, until I do find the truth, we'll just assume that JT hasn't jumped back onto the Diaz Bandwagon.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Fat One's Baldness & BiBi on Coke? Nope, just Pepsi...

Happy Hump Day kiddies! I was watching that dancing show with washed up celebrities the other day and happened to notice that Fat One's hair was looking VERY unnaturally dark. First, when one sees the "practice" clip of he and his partner dancing, one can very clearly see a dissapearing hair line on the Fat One. However, when it came time for his performance, Fat One's hair is darker and...chunkier. Now, I'm not one to perpetuate rumors, but LAWD! Fat One just needs to shave his head bald AKA Joey Lawrence (coincedence on the first names). He'll gain much more respect and at the same time INCREASE his hotness! If I had photoshop (u listenin' 5 Dolla?) I'd post a pic of what Fat One would look like as a baldy...maybe in a future post.

In other Celebgritty gossip, the walking disaster that is Britney Spears, AKA Bibi, finally settled with her ex-Wife, FedEx, over custody and alimony agreements. So what does she do to celebrate? Why, she goes to Las Vegas of course! However, Bibi insists she is there on a "low-key" holiday with her closest gal pals. She was recently spotted at the Tao Asian Bistro on the Strip doing wait, it was a Pepsi, as the "Lucky" Chick gushes at the papparazzi. No confirmation as to what BiBi and her friends were doing at the "Thunder from Down Under" male strip show...let's hope that all this madness surrounding BiBi finally settles and we can focus on a REAL Angelina Jolie...she's so perfect.