Recent reports cite Justin Timberlake's press posse issuing a statement to performance venues that JT is scheduled to appear in: Fans in the front row may touch, but not grab Justin Timberlake. Yes, it's true. Don't believe me? See the link: http://thebosh.com/archives/2007/04/justin_timberlakes_hard_life.php Now, if my girl, WC, were to goto a JT concert, not only would she rassle her way from the nosebleed section up to the front row a la "Mosh Pit", she would grope, grab, and simply MOLLEST JT before he could even get out "I'm Bringing Sexy..." WHOP! Yep, that WC all right...
In more JT news, the Hot One recently confessed that he was a Teenage Weirdo. Okay...WHO WASN'T??? However, I always knew JT was a strange bird. Case in point, back in the mid 90's, yours truly worked at Universal Studios and would throw massive parties (at someone else's house) where lots of underage drinking could happen. During one such shindig, JT shows up with Joey FatOne. Shortly afterwards, my girls, 5 Dolla, and Amazon Pixie Fairy (APF for short) with the Chronic and thats when the party kicked in. Now, APF was a very strange bird...she was the Molly Ringwald from "Pretty In Pink" meets the Allie Sheedy from "The Breakfast Club", but APF didn't scratch her dandruff out onto her desk...nah, she weren't that wierd. Moving on...during the party, JT migrated to APF and the two chatted the night away at the table over a whole bag of chips...yep, weirdos attract.
Finally, in other Celebgritty Gossip: BiBi was spotted driving around Los Angeles in her convertible with the top down and blaring JT's CD "FutureSexLoveSounds"; more namely his hit track, "My Love". Mmm Hmm...BiBi definitely harboring some delusions of grandeur...no word on if BiBi's breast breast also was enjoying the top down...
Next week, SkinnyDipping Dogs and South Florida Eskimoes.